Package-level declarations


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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has abstract modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has actual modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has annotation modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has companion modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has const modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has crossinline modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has data modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has enum modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has expect modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has external modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has final modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has fun modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has infix modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has inline modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has in modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has inner modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has lateinit modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides access to its modifiers.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has noinline modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has open modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has operator modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has out modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has override modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has sealed modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has suspend modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has tailrec modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has a val modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has value modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has vararg modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides information about whether it has a var modifier.

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An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides access to its visibility modifiers.